Sarcasmo a parte, questa è una cosa buona, perchè la DICE è ben consapevole della limitatezza dei propri mezzi per strutturare, testare e bilanciare un gioco vasto come Battlefield e perchè comunque riesce a dare un segnale di stare a sentire tutti i cryoni su sulla faccia della terra. In effetti non è una patch, ma un aggiornamento del gioco a quasi due settimane dal lancio.
Basta convenevoli ed iniziamo subito. Troverete il copia ed incolla in inglese alla fine del post. Io come al solito ho intenzione di fare le mie elucubrazioni mentali a modo mio.
Ormay tutta youtube gira intorno a questa cosa, perciò giriamo, per una volta, insieme anche noi.
Tralasciando i problemi tecnici di pc che avevano la cpu satura o come palesi errori di design che ti permettevano di catapultarti su in cielo, concentriamoci sul design del gameplay.
Se c'è una cosa che è veramente marcata in battlefield 4, rispetto al 3, è
Low frame rate/stuttering
PC players may have experienced trouble in the Beta getting the game running at a good frame rate. Rest assured that we’re using the information we received to optimize the performance for the launch of the game. We also released three game client updates and a number of game server updates during the Beta to address some of these issues and to gather more information to ensure a smoother launch.
Stuck on loading screen
We have identified some of the reasons why players, mainly on PC, were getting stuck on the loading screen and are currently working around the clock to decrease the rate at which this occurs. The latest PC patch for the Beta helped for some players and we are confident we will be able to minimize this issue for launch.
High CPU usage during the Beta
CPU usage could sometimes skyrocket for dual, quad and six-core processors. We identified some of the reasons and released three patches with fixes that went live during the Beta, to address the problems. This was a true Beta, and as such all the crash reports that were generated during this period will actually help us make a better game.
Controller layouts (X360/PS3)
We’ve increased the available controller options in Battlefield 4, including the new controller layout and multiple alternatives that we hope will make you feel right at home. If you’re more comfortable with the controls from Battlefield 3, we’ve got you covered. Just by bringing up the options menu, you can choose the “Legacy” layout, which is similar to that in Battlefield 3.
Empty server listings (X360/PS3)
While in the Server Browser you may have seen lists of empty servers. By changing the filter options, you’ll be able to find populated servers that you can join. You can also use the “Quick Match” function to quickly get into the action.
The elevator catapult (All platforms)
Although an interesting concept, elevators were never designed to act as a catapult or teleporter. The bug where the elevator button would catapult you up into the air is fixed for the final game. But we did enjoy all the crazy videos you’ve posted. Thanks!
Gameplay balancing
We are still balancing gameplay, and in true DICE fashion will continue to do so well after the release of Battlefield 4. Below are just some of the gameplay changes based on your feedback that we’re making in time for the launch of the game.
Infantry Changes
-Fixed how the player only receives a single local damage sound effect if he or she was the victim of a quick, clean kill. The sound and camera impact effect had too long a cool down between hits. This should improve the responsiveness of being killed and taking damage.
-Reduced the fire rate of the AK12 in burst from 1000rpm to 750rpm. The rate of fire was too high when combined with the low recoil of the weapon, making it more powerful than intended in burst mode.
-Tweaked the compensator and muzzle brake so they’re properly less accurate in sustained automatic fire.
-Reduced and rebalanced full auto accuracy based on rate of fire for all automatic weapons to balance low ROF weapons. Low ROF weapons were remaining accurate long enough to get easy kills outside of their intended optimal range.
-Increased the default throw distance of the portable ammo and med packs. This makes it easier to throw these packs to teammates.
-Portable ammo packs now reload 2 magazines of bullets instantly and up a total of 4 magazines per pack over time. The player must stay on top of the ammo pack in order to benefit from all of the ammo reloading. Grenades, RPG’s, and other explosive launchers do not benefit from the instant reload function of the Ammo Pack.
-Increased the muzzle flash of the 25mm and 40mm launchers to make their threat position more visible.
-Fixed an issue where the knife stab didn’t align with the kill event.
-The revive time has been increased from 7s to 10s.
Vehicle Changes
-Fixed some descriptions of weapons for vehicles that incorrectly described the function of the weapon.
-Increased the damage of the Stinger and IGLA to 3 hits to kill attack choppers (was 25%, now 35%).
-Increased the speed of all TOW guided missiles to 75m/s from 50m/s so they can catch-up to fast vehicles like the Quad bike.
-Increased the sustained fire accuracy of the Coaxial LMG on armored vehicles because it was underpowered.
-Reduced the damage the 40mm and 25mm infantry weapons do to armored vehicles to highlight their anti-infantry role.
-Reduced the damage main gun on the IFVs against other armor to highlight their primarily anti-infantry role.
-Fixed an issue where the tank main gun did not correctly hit the center of the crosshair at all times.
-Multiple options are now available for controlling how your vehicles steer with a joystick on all platforms, as well as improved the responsiveness of steering while accelerating.
Locking Weapon Changes
-RPG7 and SMAW can no longer lock on to Laser Designated Targets. It was inauthentic and not balanced.
-Fixed some projectiles not warning vehicles when they were fired on a Laser Designated target. Reduced the lock on distance for MBT LAW missiles to 350m from 500m. This gives the IGLA the clear long range AA role for soldiers, and keeps the team play element of Laser Designation.
-All Laser Designated missiles now do a maximum of 90% damage to Attack and Scout helicopters (down from 100%). This was done to give helicopters a chance to use their Fire Extinguisher countermeasure even against Laser Designated weapons.
General Changes
-The kill string in the score log now appears sooner, making the UI more responsive to a kill event.
-The aim assist on X360/PS3 has been tweaked to be more consistent at all ranges. The assist was over powerful at close range, and not powerful enough at medium range. Players should now find that close combat requires much more player input and the snap to a target is far less forgiving. At medium range the player should experience a bit more assistance tracking targets, but generally still reduced aim assist effectiveness.
PC Specific Changes
-Fixed a string in On Foot PC key bindings that should have read “CROUCH (TOGGLE) / PRONE (HOLD)”.
-Removed an unused “Underslung” key binding on PC, the “Select Gadget 1″ key binding now controls both of these actions as expected
la caratterizzazione anti fanteria o anti mezzi di tutte le armi.
Se avete notato, il cannone del carro uccide solo se il colpo prnede un fante pieno. Altrimenti ( a riprova c'è un video di Xfactor) lo splash damage (il danno propagato) è così basso da togliere 50 o 60 ad un fante che riceve un colpo vicino ai piedi.
Le modifiche della patch vanno proprio in questa direzione:
Il danno del mitragliere del carro verso i mezzi è ridotto per amplificare il suo ruolo anti fanteria
Il danno di m320 e similari verso i carri è ridotto, perchè questi sono concepiti come armi anti fanteria.
Se avete notato, il cannone del carro uccide solo se il colpo prnede un fante pieno. Altrimenti ( a riprova c'è un video di Xfactor) lo splash damage (il danno propagato) è così basso da togliere 50 o 60 ad un fante che riceve un colpo vicino ai piedi.
Le modifiche della patch vanno proprio in questa direzione:
Il danno del mitragliere del carro verso i mezzi è ridotto per amplificare il suo ruolo anti fanteria
Il danno di m320 e similari verso i carri è ridotto, perchè questi sono concepiti come armi anti fanteria.
Perciò questo ci fa capire che tipo di approccio dovremmo avere se leggiamo che un'arma è anti fanteria o anti mezzo. In teoria, perciò, sparare col mitragliatore del carro ad un elicottero dovebbe essere utile quanto un cacciavite a stella se la vite è piatta.
Continuando a parlare del rapporto tra mezzi e fanteria, cercando di capire quale sia il potere della fanteria contro i mezzi e si scopre che
1) rpg guidato dal laser era solo un abbocco per la beta e che un rpg tornerà ad essere un rpg senza possibilità di designazione laser (il fatto che sull'elicottero non si sentisse il warning, allora, non era un bug....)
2) uno stinger avrà bisogno di soli 3 colpi, invece che 4 per distuggere un elicottero d'attacco. In effetti, in battlefield 3 ne bastavano solo due e si era aiutati, per di più, dalla disabilitazione del mezzo.
3) testuali parole (IGLA deve ricoprire il ruolo di anti-aerea a LUNGO raggio e mantenere un gioco di squadra con chi utilizza i laser per designare.
2) uno stinger avrà bisogno di soli 3 colpi, invece che 4 per distuggere un elicottero d'attacco. In effetti, in battlefield 3 ne bastavano solo due e si era aiutati, per di più, dalla disabilitazione del mezzo.
3) testuali parole (IGLA deve ricoprire il ruolo di anti-aerea a LUNGO raggio e mantenere un gioco di squadra con chi utilizza i laser per designare.
Lo so, la terza avrà fatto storcere il naso ai volatori incalliti. Mi dispiace ma lo stinger è INBILANCIABILE. Non si può accorciare la distanza utile del laser così come non si può accorciare la distanza dello stinger perchè rispettivamente sarebbero inutili il cecchino e il geniere. Se contate che ora un elicottero ha munizioni limitate e temporizzate, avete capito come approcciare al volo.
Consollari di tutto il mondo, gioite!
1) Riavrete i controlli come in Battlefield. Impostazione LEGACY. Evvai. Leggete in inglese che avevano introdotto quei modi bizzarri di muovere un carro per facilitare i giocatori di altri giochi, facendo però scontenti la massa di cryoni, me compreso. Se avete twitter, non potete capire quanti tweet, a tutti i dipendenti DICE raggiungibili da twitter, ho letto con parolacce annesse.
2) La mira assistita verrà ridotta. Meno male.
2) La mira assistita verrà ridotta. Meno male.
OK passiamo alla fanteria.
1) migliorata la notifica dei colpi presi al giocatore. Se percepivate di morire con un sol colpo, è perchè vi veniva notificato solo l'ultimo.
2) Lasciamo stare la crayata del AK12 in burst che era peggio di un AN94 di battlefield 3.
3) la cosa interessante è che verrà ridotta l'accuratezza ( e quindi credo aumentato) lo spread" quando si mantiene a lungo premuto il tasto e peciò quanto più lunga la raffica. Il commento è infatti che Le armi che sparano lentamente, pochi colpi alla volta, continuavano ad essere troppo precise rendendo facili kill a tutte le distanze.
4) Tutti si erano accorti che un pacchetto volante di munizioni ricaricava solo un caricatore, mentre un pacchetto di vita ricaricava tutta la vita. Chi inoltre ha sbloccato la cassetta cicciona di munizioni si sarà accorto che i caricatori arrivavano molto rapidamente con la cassettona, rendendo inutile la cassettina. Ora la cassettina vi darà 2 caricatori subito e due in più con il trascorrere del tempo.
Aggiungo una cosa: non so in quanti si sono accorti che il tempo di ricarica di una granata era pari a battlefield 3 all'uscita, ovvero disgustoso. Gli ho pure mandato un tweet. Speriamo bene visto che c'è una frase misteriosa che dice che le granate ed esplosivi non verrano ricaricati istantaneamente.
5) ovviamente il tempo per rianimare è aumentato da 7 (davvero 7?) a 10. Giusto per farvi capire, 7 è anche il tempo per il quale un nemico rimane sulla mappa, se spottato.
2) Lasciamo stare la crayata del AK12 in burst che era peggio di un AN94 di battlefield 3.
3) la cosa interessante è che verrà ridotta l'accuratezza ( e quindi credo aumentato) lo spread" quando si mantiene a lungo premuto il tasto e peciò quanto più lunga la raffica. Il commento è infatti che Le armi che sparano lentamente, pochi colpi alla volta, continuavano ad essere troppo precise rendendo facili kill a tutte le distanze.
4) Tutti si erano accorti che un pacchetto volante di munizioni ricaricava solo un caricatore, mentre un pacchetto di vita ricaricava tutta la vita. Chi inoltre ha sbloccato la cassetta cicciona di munizioni si sarà accorto che i caricatori arrivavano molto rapidamente con la cassettona, rendendo inutile la cassettina. Ora la cassettina vi darà 2 caricatori subito e due in più con il trascorrere del tempo.
Aggiungo una cosa: non so in quanti si sono accorti che il tempo di ricarica di una granata era pari a battlefield 3 all'uscita, ovvero disgustoso. Gli ho pure mandato un tweet. Speriamo bene visto che c'è una frase misteriosa che dice che le granate ed esplosivi non verrano ricaricati istantaneamente.
5) ovviamente il tempo per rianimare è aumentato da 7 (davvero 7?) a 10. Giusto per farvi capire, 7 è anche il tempo per il quale un nemico rimane sulla mappa, se spottato.
6) la maggior parte degli accessori delle armi portavano solo benefici senza, ad esempio, peggiorare l'accuratezza al prolungare della raffica (questo è scritto in maniera debole, ma dopo aver visto alcuni numeri di symthic, è decisamente una affermazione giusta)
Più vari ed eventuali.
PC players may have experienced trouble in the Beta getting the game running at a good frame rate. Rest assured that we’re using the information we received to optimize the performance for the launch of the game. We also released three game client updates and a number of game server updates during the Beta to address some of these issues and to gather more information to ensure a smoother launch.
Stuck on loading screen
We have identified some of the reasons why players, mainly on PC, were getting stuck on the loading screen and are currently working around the clock to decrease the rate at which this occurs. The latest PC patch for the Beta helped for some players and we are confident we will be able to minimize this issue for launch.
High CPU usage during the Beta
CPU usage could sometimes skyrocket for dual, quad and six-core processors. We identified some of the reasons and released three patches with fixes that went live during the Beta, to address the problems. This was a true Beta, and as such all the crash reports that were generated during this period will actually help us make a better game.
Controller layouts (X360/PS3)
We’ve increased the available controller options in Battlefield 4, including the new controller layout and multiple alternatives that we hope will make you feel right at home. If you’re more comfortable with the controls from Battlefield 3, we’ve got you covered. Just by bringing up the options menu, you can choose the “Legacy” layout, which is similar to that in Battlefield 3.
Empty server listings (X360/PS3)
While in the Server Browser you may have seen lists of empty servers. By changing the filter options, you’ll be able to find populated servers that you can join. You can also use the “Quick Match” function to quickly get into the action.
The elevator catapult (All platforms)
Although an interesting concept, elevators were never designed to act as a catapult or teleporter. The bug where the elevator button would catapult you up into the air is fixed for the final game. But we did enjoy all the crazy videos you’ve posted. Thanks!
Gameplay balancing
We are still balancing gameplay, and in true DICE fashion will continue to do so well after the release of Battlefield 4. Below are just some of the gameplay changes based on your feedback that we’re making in time for the launch of the game.
Infantry Changes
-Fixed how the player only receives a single local damage sound effect if he or she was the victim of a quick, clean kill. The sound and camera impact effect had too long a cool down between hits. This should improve the responsiveness of being killed and taking damage.
-Reduced the fire rate of the AK12 in burst from 1000rpm to 750rpm. The rate of fire was too high when combined with the low recoil of the weapon, making it more powerful than intended in burst mode.
-Tweaked the compensator and muzzle brake so they’re properly less accurate in sustained automatic fire.
-Reduced and rebalanced full auto accuracy based on rate of fire for all automatic weapons to balance low ROF weapons. Low ROF weapons were remaining accurate long enough to get easy kills outside of their intended optimal range.
-Increased the default throw distance of the portable ammo and med packs. This makes it easier to throw these packs to teammates.
-Portable ammo packs now reload 2 magazines of bullets instantly and up a total of 4 magazines per pack over time. The player must stay on top of the ammo pack in order to benefit from all of the ammo reloading. Grenades, RPG’s, and other explosive launchers do not benefit from the instant reload function of the Ammo Pack.
-Increased the muzzle flash of the 25mm and 40mm launchers to make their threat position more visible.
-Fixed an issue where the knife stab didn’t align with the kill event.
-The revive time has been increased from 7s to 10s.
Vehicle Changes
-Fixed some descriptions of weapons for vehicles that incorrectly described the function of the weapon.
-Increased the damage of the Stinger and IGLA to 3 hits to kill attack choppers (was 25%, now 35%).
-Increased the speed of all TOW guided missiles to 75m/s from 50m/s so they can catch-up to fast vehicles like the Quad bike.
-Increased the sustained fire accuracy of the Coaxial LMG on armored vehicles because it was underpowered.
-Reduced the damage the 40mm and 25mm infantry weapons do to armored vehicles to highlight their anti-infantry role.
-Reduced the damage main gun on the IFVs against other armor to highlight their primarily anti-infantry role.
-Fixed an issue where the tank main gun did not correctly hit the center of the crosshair at all times.
-Multiple options are now available for controlling how your vehicles steer with a joystick on all platforms, as well as improved the responsiveness of steering while accelerating.
Locking Weapon Changes
-RPG7 and SMAW can no longer lock on to Laser Designated Targets. It was inauthentic and not balanced.
-Fixed some projectiles not warning vehicles when they were fired on a Laser Designated target. Reduced the lock on distance for MBT LAW missiles to 350m from 500m. This gives the IGLA the clear long range AA role for soldiers, and keeps the team play element of Laser Designation.
-All Laser Designated missiles now do a maximum of 90% damage to Attack and Scout helicopters (down from 100%). This was done to give helicopters a chance to use their Fire Extinguisher countermeasure even against Laser Designated weapons.
General Changes
-The kill string in the score log now appears sooner, making the UI more responsive to a kill event.
-The aim assist on X360/PS3 has been tweaked to be more consistent at all ranges. The assist was over powerful at close range, and not powerful enough at medium range. Players should now find that close combat requires much more player input and the snap to a target is far less forgiving. At medium range the player should experience a bit more assistance tracking targets, but generally still reduced aim assist effectiveness.
PC Specific Changes
-Fixed a string in On Foot PC key bindings that should have read “CROUCH (TOGGLE) / PRONE (HOLD)”.
-Removed an unused “Underslung” key binding on PC, the “Select Gadget 1″ key binding now controls both of these actions as expected
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